Friday, July 4, 2008

Going through withdrawals!!

Wow like completely going through blog withdraws. I have been so busy and sleepy that I have not had the time to write. I am now sitting at the fireworks warehouse in new Waverly. I have had lots of fun, but we have had lots of things to do. I have found a new friend in Calah. She and I are like two peas in a pod. Let me just say that when you don’t think someone is one ay they prove you wrong. You all will just have to wait till the talent show to see us in action. You will not believe the two of us! I am a little sad though I will not get to be there for the 4th of July. I will be on vacation with my family in New Orleans. It will be the first family vacation we have had in some time. Mostly because of me being sick, and not having the time. I can not wait to go and see all the old buildings. Well there are costumers coming in and I need to go help.

Time flies when you are having fun


Amanda said...

Have a wonderful time in New Orleans! It will be great. I know what you mean on the blog withdrawal...I haven't had the time or inspiration to write.

I even have a Patriotic poem...but don't have time to find it to post it. Aw well, maybe later. Love ya!


KAN said...

It has been my experience that time flies even if you're not having fun, too

KAN said...

well, I waited and waited for the "urge" to pass, but it didn't. Instead, you "fixed it". But I can say it anyway, because you know what I mean...

SO ---For this post, I must say that I am glad you are with "draws" , and NOT WITHOUT "draws". HAHAHAHAHAHA. I sure I should have just let it pass...