Friday, August 15, 2008

Ready to Start!

I think I can, I think I can. Well I better it is done now. I just paid for my classes this semester. I am looking forward to going back, but I know I have to work at it. That’s the part I don’t like lol. I don’t want to just have it handed to me, but I just hope I can be as good as some people think I am. I don’t like to let people down. Any way that is what is new with me, but I think you know me better than to think I would not have some food for thought.

When do you really know someone? Just when I think I know someone they do something that just totally confuses me. When they are your friend you hope that they would tell you if something new and good is going on in their life. Yes I know I don’t need to know everything, but these are my friends I want them to trust me. Any way that’s enough of that I want things to just be normal for a wile!! What ever I never get normal!


KAN said...

Oh my, Meg-non. You've asked for the impossible - NORMAL!!! Who knows what normal is anymore?!?!?! I have asked for the same so many times and it seems things just got more confusing - You know - God's kinda strange sense of humor.

Normal?!?! By what standard or by whose!!!???

Girl of Hearts said...

Yes I know! God has a very STRANGE sense of humor. I know I should not had said it but it is out there now. lol