Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I have not writen anything on here in forever. I had to think of something and I thought the first thing I needed to write on was what is so big right now. I love these buses! I have to love them to get up on Sunday morning early to get in that hot bus and ride. We all do! Its all out of love . I had to think the other day I may not know some of the kids names, but I still know thier faces and we smile at each other. Thats good for me right lol. No matter what you will not take me smile for the kids and my bus!

Monday, November 24, 2008


WOW, this week is going to be a full one, I have family coming in and I have school. I have been so busy, but I am having so much fun! I have been helping at the church with the toy drive. I did not know that I was going to be doing this. Not that I did not want to I just do not normally do these kinds of things. I am so happy and honored that I was asked to do this. It is so amazing to see the loving spurt in people that are willing to help those in need. I was also asked this weekend to help get the foyer ready for Christmas!!! I love Christmas it is my favorite time of year. But even better it is going to have snow and snowmen!!! I love them both!! Snowmen are my favorite Christmas thing! Any way I am also in the Christmas play at the church, it is going to be soooo cute! I am also a signer for the Christmas service! I think this is the most I have ever done at one time for Christmas! I love being busy with things at the church, other than that I have family coming for Thanksgiving; we are going to have so much fun. The girls are coming to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I do not always do this, but I think it is going to be fun. I do have to baby sit that day, but he is a good kid so it should be fine! Wow, is all I can think of to say.

P.S. I hope everyone will have a wonderful holiday and have time with your families! Treasure the time you are given!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Be ready I am going to post something this week! You will just have to wait and see what day! :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Just a little time!

Well as I sit in my English class I realize that I have not written anything in soooo long. I am having lots of fun with the classes. Although I do not like my math class to much, but I have never liked it. I had a paper due today in my English class so it put me in a writing mood. This is a good thing because I have another paper to write for tomorrow lol. I just thought I would write to let you know I was still alive. I have had so much to do but I like that I have been so busy. I cannot wait to go to my concert on Thursday! It is going to be so awesome!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ready to Start!

I think I can, I think I can. Well I better it is done now. I just paid for my classes this semester. I am looking forward to going back, but I know I have to work at it. That’s the part I don’t like lol. I don’t want to just have it handed to me, but I just hope I can be as good as some people think I am. I don’t like to let people down. Any way that is what is new with me, but I think you know me better than to think I would not have some food for thought.

When do you really know someone? Just when I think I know someone they do something that just totally confuses me. When they are your friend you hope that they would tell you if something new and good is going on in their life. Yes I know I don’t need to know everything, but these are my friends I want them to trust me. Any way that’s enough of that I want things to just be normal for a wile!! What ever I never get normal!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Beach Fun!!

The beach is so nice!!! I am having so much fun with the girls. I would have to say that it lets me know that I could not do more than one room mate. But other than that we are having a blast. We got to the house about 4p.m. Monday after noon, and we got in the water right away! Nothing has changed we have ether been at home in the water or at the beach. Some of us have gotten to much sun others have gotten no sun. lol That would be me MOM, I have been good. I sat in the shade when we went. Today we all got dressed up and went to lunch at Fish Tales. It was good, and we took pictures after on the beach. Hope to put some of them up soon! Well that is it for now, we are going to get in the water!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Ok so someone told me I had to much time to sit around not to write something. So here I am! I have been in the hospital since July 11, I have been spending some great time in Texas Children’s Hospital. One of my most FAVORITE places to be lol. Although I am happy to say I will get to go home tomorrow!! I do want to say thank you to all the people who came to see me, and those who sent cards. I appreciate all of it so much. I know some of you did not want to come but were here anyway. But just think you would not have known I could walk other wise lol. We love you Steveie! I am looking forward to getting to go to Galveston next week. I will try to keep up with this all next week but I make no promises. Ok that is all I have for now!